Saturday, September 8, 2007

Reminisce of the Old Days...

Sweet and soft Saturday here in the overcast Sunset...after getting the laundry done, I took time out for the old practices from Sunnyvale...

-Turn on NPR, and laugh with Tom & Ray and Wait, Wait...
-Writing, slowly, and with no expectation of creating more than a sentence

I missed NPR, and not having time with it massaging the folds of my mind. When MS and Serena were here last weekend for Labor Day, we listened to it nearly all the time in the car and here at the apartment, and I had forgotten that I could listen alone, without MS in his room playing his violent video games while I cook in the kitchen and listen to Garrison and the cats stretch out in the windows.

My programs of old:
-Morning Edition
-Tom & Ray
-Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
-Fresh Air (during the week)
-A Prairie Home Companion

The radio--a part of creating a home regardless of wherever I end up.


dkearns72 said...

which violent video games, Dan asks, missing the point.

Jo Jardin said...

LOL! Miss the point all you want, dear; that's as fresh to me as listening to NPR...

My brother was and still is a huge fan of Grand Theft Auto. If I am not mistaken there are 3 of them (or maybe it just felt like 3...they sort of dulled my mind to watch, like watching HBO's "Deadwood"), and his faves were the Miami and San Andreas. I liked pointing out the missing links in San Andreas. The country music was funny in them as well--we got to laugh about Mom's addiction to the Statler Brothers with each other.

Most of the time, though, I asked that he turn off the volume so that I could hear my NPR.

When he played on his laptop in the bedroom it was a game where you create the world and then systematically take over the world, choosing whatever culture you want to be.

Since moving to Fresno he also plays some sort of casino deal to stay on top of his Five Card Stud.

Too much? I miss him lots and writing about our brief family time gets a bit addictive. I apologize for any and all rambling.

Good to hear from you, my friend. Miss the point whenever you can.


dkearns72 said...

when thinking of Grand Theft Auto or games of taking over the world (which i love dearly), do u think to urself: "Men!" ?

and....errr, i, ummm, LOVE the Statler Brothers. :)

Jo Jardin said...

MS and I love the Statlers, too--reminds us of Mom. We used to make fun of them as kids and they are comforting as we grow older.

I also recently got him to download The Kingston Trio to his MP3...but we still disagree on John Denver. :)

Ah, Grand Theft Auto...I have to admit that I do think, "Men," but I cherish that part of a man, the low-maintenance, separate passion, unwinding part of a man. My female roommate has a Play Station game with guitars and I don't get the option now to ask her to turn off the sound, which is probably a moot point with a guitar game...

That "men" thing...I miss living with one that was no drama and not whining. I would take a thousand joystick murders to have that back. But, as Robin would say, I should be careful what I wish for.

(Smiles, tiredly.)