Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hardly Workin'...

I've been working on a blog today and that is just about it...and not even this one. I sort of spill a mess here so my back-channel people can be in the know, but I got a bit behind a couple of times this week. No matter. The sun still came out and I finished that blog entry and I threw away all of my expired health care products today, so something got done, regardless.

Tomorrow looks like an ambitious writing day--I have a lot to do before I just cut loose with a short story in Saturday's writing group.

This is the song that's been playing all afternoon on the iPod to push the words through and out of me. It's from Treme, of course, since I'm obsessed, and I know Steve Earle isn't always the most desirable, but I love this song. "Like a second line steppin' high, raising hell as we go along." Nice.

Write on...

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