Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don't F With My Happy

My warehouse guy, one of the employees who now hates me because my tolerance for stupidity is gone (and it's absence embraced by my new boss), has a phrase he likes to say, thus:

"No one gets to f with my happy."

Never mind that I'm f-ing with his happy because I'm asking him to work. Let's focus on this--every day of my job is a conscience effort on my part to not necessarily be giddy, but happy. Happy in that hour.

This post helped.

My employees haven't shown me that they like me any more with it, but I like myself a lot more for it.

I also wanted to thank someone in print for helping me today and continuing to patiently help me when I teeter on the cusp of jumping off the racking at work...thanks, Tina. Thanks for being available and thanks for the opportunity to keep each other in check. I hope I help, too.

There may be no I in TEAM, but there is a reason to focus on I for awhile.

Thanks, Gretchen and Tina. Thanks to my roommate for dinner. And thanks to Trish for well wishes. Now, back to an after-work cocktail.

Stay thirsty, dear reader. ;)

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