- Camelback backpack, filled with three liters of water.
- 6 granola bars
- First aid kit that's the size of a pencil case
- Sunscreen
- Windbreaker
- Map
- Notes
- Lotion (You'll see why that's important here in a sec)
- New York ballcap
The trip there was cool and pleasant, with plenty of trees and shade for the first half of Stevens Creek. The trail goes right along the creek and waterfowl of all sorts stand in the miniature rapids and watch you alternately while watching for food to drift toward them. There's no traffic to fight with, although you do need to stay to the right at all times, since the primary users of the trail are bicyclists.
Shortly after the half-way mark the trail opens up and the trees shrink back from the trail. On the left-hand side as you head toward Shoreline there is, ironically, a tree farm, but the highest structures are power towers, not trees. It's a bit desolate for a stretch there--very nearly industrial and bright, and then there's a sign welcoming you to Shoreline, and you can see the peaks of the Shoreline Ampitheatre tents peeking in and out from behind box offices on your left, and you remember living in the South Bay again. There's still a lot of sun to walk through to get to Shoreline Lake where I used to play and write and where Bess and I got our first glimpse of the Bay Area, but knowing you're nearly there makes it easier.
What did not make it easier was that I was dumb-assed enough not to wear socks. I have a pair of Keens (closed-toed web sandals for walking in the surf--MS calls them "closed-toed Jesus cruisers") that can be worn with or without socks. My feet require constant hydration or they develop blisters no matter how good the shoes. The best way to get constant hydration? SLATHER THE FEET IN ABOUT AN INCH OF LOTION AND WEAR SOCKS. But I was feeling invincible and didn't do it. At Shoreline I pulled out a sample tube of lotion from my Accutane days and tried to do some patchwork, but in that wind I was dry again in 10 minutes. Let's just say the pain was pretty bad last night and the feet still feel a little meaty this morning.
More adventures to come...today is free day at the museums, so I am headed down to the DeYoung...best to you, dear reader...
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