Thursday, March 6, 2008

Frickin' Election

I’m at the point that I wish Barack and Hillary would just flip a coin already, but after hearing Barbara Walters ask Vanessa Williams who she would be voting for in the Democratic party and getting the usual with the “Are you proud of Barack as a black person?” question, I have been puzzling about something…

Women get the dumb question of “Are you voting for Hillary?” because we’re women, and black Americans get the dumb question of “Are you voting for Barack?” because they’re black, but what happens when you’re a white male? According to this logic, do you have to vote for McCain? And what if you’re Asian American, or transgendered? Who’s going where with that?

The late William Buckley, who passed away this past week at 82, may have had it right about people not voting automatically at 18. I’m kidding, of course, but just barely.


Anonymous said...

I think this is shaping up to be very interesting. You have a certain percentage of people who refuse to vote for McCain, because he's not conservative enough; for Clinton, because she's a Clinton or because she's a woman (take your pick); for Obama, because he's too black, or not black enough. Or for the Democrat in general, because it's looking more and more like the candidate will be chosen in a process that smells like the old smoky back room.

The negatives are what fascinate me about this election. And yet a positive political cartoon gives me hope. It showed all three candidates in separate frames and wrote something like "An African-American... A woman... And a man who won't torture people. Not bad."

Jo Jardin said...

I like that cartoon, too, and would have no problem voting for any of the three of these people...

Yes, even McCain...for he is so very moderate.