Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cranky You Tube and the Song of Rookie

Internet is cranking at the speed of snails tonight...that, and You Tube doesn't like my Blogger set up...

So we'll do this the hard way.

I want this guy for a dancing partner:


dkearns72 said...

That was very cute all around, but, is it just me that didnt know dogs could run backward?

Jo Jardin said...

I think it's pretty tough to get any animal to back up without suffering a fear factor. The cattle didn't like to do it in Missouri (they leaped to the side if they had to), and Bess wasn't a backer.

But this dog is a bit "special"...

There are animals that possess traits that they aren't supposed brother was creeped out once when Bess glanced askance without turning her head. (Most cats can't shift their eyeballs like that.) Not sure if it's talent or the animal equivalent of bar tricks... ;)