Sunday, December 2, 2007

Poet, Storyteller, Trapeze Artist, A Complete Unknown

I have never been a big Dylan fan, even though he was the father of Springsteen's approach to the world. (The Boss, though, is a LOT less weird.) Most of his music seemed to be written in another language because he is no singer, so listening to the music fought with a certain level of distraction.

Last night I learned the language with the help of an interpreter: "I'm Not There."

Now I just want to listen to Dylan for about 5 months and see if I can get it all. In the movie 6 people play Dylan, except they don't play Dylan. The only person that they could be playing is Dylan, but they aren't playing Dylan. (Okay, Richard Gere's Dylan could also be Billy the Kid, but he is escorted out of his home in a car so I am leaning toward Dylan.) Cate Blanchett does a PERFECT Dylan, a Dylan better than the real thing. Christian Bale does a rough photograph of Dylan. Heath Ledger does an actor playing Dylan. And Gere does a timeless Dylan from America.

This movie is literally tripping in a lot of places--"you've got a lotta nerve," to paraphrase some critics--but I completely rest in what the filmmakers tried to do and accomplished in my opinion.

How does it feel? Really, really good.

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