Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lightening the Load

My bags of commuter stuff are killing me.

So I am back to Moleskine notebooks and limiting myself to Kindle reading only. Limiting myself on bag stuff, though, takes a lot of will power.

I just couldn't get one more bag to accommodate everything. ;)


Anonymous said...

You're lucky to have a Kindle to lug -- amazon has been listing them as out of stock for some time now. Seems like they're a popular holiday present; either that or underestimated demand and just ran out.

You should get another bag! ;-)

Jo Jardin said...

I have highly, HIGHLY considered it. I am mostly looking for a black leather lightweight tote that has long enough straps that I don't have to carry it on my fore-arm, even in the bulky suede leather coat.

Looked on-line.
Looked at Macy's.
Plan to look next at Crossroads, where I have a $87 credit to use up.


The bigger the bag, the freakin' heavier...

As to the Kindle, you can also blame Oprah--between her and Santa I'm not surprised they sold out. Rumor also has it that 2009 will bring Kindle Generation 2, so maybe they were just cleaning up the old stock before they ship the new ones.

Wonder what the new one has... ;)