Saturday, November 15, 2008

Reunited...In One Form or Another

So, here's what happened last night.

The infamous FG asked for a meeting last night. The message was strongly conveyed to him that in this exchange I had nothing to lose (I didn't care if he was on the planet or not) and he had already lost everything and would have to start over.

So we did.

Sans sex.

For this version of our friendship the boundaries have been drawn and he knows exactly what I won't put up with and I know what he won't understand. He sees the friendship in terms of fixed, and I see it just beginning and not all-consuming like the first version.

This version is not about catering to him.

This version is about enjoying his company and enjoying someone else's and/or my own when he isn't around.

Not having the sex with him anymore really helps with that. Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo were absolutely right about that.

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