Saturday, April 19, 2008

We Interrupt U2 For Some Remarks...

The coming weeks entries will be on Twitter again. No, no, not to worry, the HP POS (that's NOT Point Of Sale, either) is working marginally well and good, but what I had hoped to be able to do with the Blackberry I cannot do, and it would take me another whole afternoon of prep that I don't have to complete the workaround, SO...

Ladies, gentlemen...

Another week of Twitters in lieu of entries. Mooohooohahahahahaha... (rubs hands together gleefully).

After I clean up the mess of cables and crap on my bed and take care of some other domestic issues then I will be back and add another long entry to interrupt the lyrics-as-titles motif to let you know what it was like in Oakland this last week.

Despite the fact that I don't have time for it,


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