Tuesday, January 8, 2008


In the meantime, I think on the campaign for POTUS.

When I first moved to California, and after Mike went back to work, I remember one night curling up on the living room floor with the cats and watching the 2004 Democratic Convention. Prior to moving to California I had read of a young politician named Barack Obama who was trying to become the junior senator from Illinois. He spoke like a real person. His youth and energy and passion drove through the screen between him and me. His speech, his autobiography, his life, his down-home demeanor (and yet he is intelligent!)…all of these things gave me my first fire since Bill Clinton. Leo McGarry tells Jed Bartlet in “The West Wing” about “trying to tell the difference between the lesser of who cares.”

I can’t say “who cares?” about Obama. He lets me dream again. He gives me my love of politics back. He lets me be smart and in love with the future.

The others want Hillary (“think! The first woman!” But I would have to have a more exciting woman to back—she doesn’t ignite anything in me), or Edwards (I love his wife, but I think he would make a better VP), but my trust is all in Obama. This devotion is like that of the discovery of Garth Brooks, Forrest Gump, Brokeback Mountain. I knew the work of these entities before they became icons. I loved Obama and thought of him as President before anyone even new his name, back when I would say “Barack Obama” and people would look at me like I just spoke a foreign language.

Which I guess I did.

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