Saturday, November 10, 2007

Go Robin, Go Robin, It's Your Birthday, Go Robin...

Okay, it's not Robin's birthday (that I'm aware of, anyway), but the chant for Robin to keep bringin' it on the NaBloPoMo still stands...

You see, she is doing something I still haven't been able to accomplish with my journal--she is writing an entry a day.


They are masterpieces of writing!

Selfishly, I smile to myself. See, this means I get to read Robin every day, instead of having to wait patiently for the next blog post.

I LOVE NaBloPoMo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As to me participating...let's shoot for next year, shall we? Right now I have 10 adult babies to take care of in the corporate world. I'm working to end that next year.

No excuses, Jo. Which makes me really proud of Robin.

Yo, yo, yo, yo...Go Robin, Go Robin...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Jo. I had to laugh—had no idea NaBloPoMo was making you happy.

Writing yesterday's post made me late to the festival, so I missed the first panel discussion of the day, "Publishing: Getting Past the Gate," (LMAO) which is fine, because we yappy little dogs instinctively paw our way under the fence anyway. Some of us would probably tunnel even if the gate were unlatched.

I wish you and everyone else could have been there for poetry readings, history lessons, and discussions of the book and journal publishing business—and Puppy Chow afterward.


Jo Jardin said...


So great to hear of your adventures, both here and on Sunday's blog of your road trip. Back in the States I used to go to our English department festival in April at Missouri State (it was Southwest Missouri State when I was there). The festival was aptly named "English Week" (a name that would probably get them sued in California, ahahahahaha) and usually ended with a reading from several of our department heads and was choked with Shakespeare and writing workshops. I miss the old alma mater the most from the States and remember the roads there with the same wistfulness that you remember your roads.

Thanks much've smoothed a wrinkled soul a little...